Wednesday, December 22, 2010


For many of us, before we became studs we were fems and vice versa...Please send in your before and after pictures along with a short experience of how you transitioned...

My before and after transition pictures

My Experience

My transition began a few years ago...prior to identifying as a stud...I considered myself a fem...mainly because of not wanting to be judged by my sexuality...I did the heels..the tight jeans..big earrings and all..but wasn't being true to myself...realizing I wasn't exactly a fem I started to identify myself as an ag fem...' played that role for a while and quickly came to the conclusion that i wasn't that (ag/fem) I began to learn about the stud subculture and found that everything in my personality was that of a wonder my relationships in the pass weren't slowly, I began stripping away my fem ensemble and started to adorn myself with my stud armor and I can honestly say I am a proud soilder today.

The purpose of this blog is not to perpetuate the idea of labeling...LABELS ARE DATED!!! however, the significance of this blog is to encourage all to be themselves and own it..

Thankyou for reading by: Americanboimeko

Please leave experiences

1 comment:

  1. This story is my own as well, I was femme then ag/fem and then i was like none of this is me. I had the heels, bags, earring make up hair and all. Then oneday I just said (excuse my langauge) fuck this shit! and that was that. I gave all that stuff away to my sister, cousin and even my grandma. I was done playing dress up. I always felt so uncomfortable. I went to Strawbridges, ( like a macy's for some of yall youngin) and purchased my first pair of guess jeans shirt and timbs. Figuring out sizes what another obstacle in itself, but I will say since that day have felt more myself and comfortable ever since.
