Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Toxic Love, When Enough is Enough

“We stayed together for the kids, I didn’t want my kids to grow up in a single parent home.”  “I didn’t feel like starting a new relationship..’ was comfortable.”  “I didn’t wanna hurt her feelings so I stayed in my relationship.” “He provides for me and my kids and I can’t provide for myself, that’s why I stayed.”
Obviously, there are so many reasons why people stay in toxic relationships. whether it be sheer complacency or financial woes. But should you stay with someone for any of the reasons mentioned above? The answer, absolutely not. Being in a toxic relationship is no better than tieing a brick to your neck and walking around with it everywhere you go. In fact, one source suggests that people with negative aspects in their relationships had a 34% increase in the risk of heart problems (even after taking weight, social support and other factors into consideration)
So having said that, How do you know if you’re in a toxic relationship and if so, how do you get out
Toxic relationship signs
A toxic relationship should not be mistaken for a relationship that just simply need rekindling, nurturing and excitement. A toxic relationship much different from a dead relationship is one that offers  no possibility of hope whatsoever.
Ex. If  when your partner calls you, text you or the very sight of him/her sickens you, it has reached a toxic level. Constant bickering, nagging and complaining where no solution or aggreement is ever met is another sign.  A toxic relationship doesn’t necessarily entail domestic violence but when a relationship has reached a toxic point of breaking up/making up and bitterness, it can lead to domestic violence. however, this article is not about domestic violence and if you are in a domestic violence relationship, I encourage you to get out of it and seek help. I also have an article entitled “domestic violence in the LGBT Community”
How to Let Go
If you’ve been in a relationship for sometime that isn’t good for you, chances are, friends/family have expressed that. You may want to get out of it but realize its a lot harder than what you’ve imagined. So, what to do? My suggestion, is to have a long talk with your partner, reason without pointing the finger. Remind him/her that you both may have added to the problems in the relationship. Don’t bring up the past because it will just lead to an argument. You both already know what went down over the years. After a face-to-face conversation (no text messages, voice messages, email, certafied mail, 3rd party messenger; PEOPLE THATS TACKY) preferably over lunch, not dinner because it sets a certain mood, let him/her know you’ve moved on. They may not be excited about the idea, but it would be cowardly and senseless to stay in a relationship that makes you feel as if you had a brick tied to your neck. After you’ve broken up clean house :)
For Advice on getting over a breakup read my article entitled “after the love has gone”

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


For many of us, before we became studs we were fems and vice versa...Please send in your before and after pictures along with a short experience of how you transitioned...

My before and after transition pictures

My Experience

My transition began a few years ago...prior to identifying as a stud...I considered myself a fem...mainly because of not wanting to be judged by my sexuality...I did the heels..the tight jeans..big earrings and all..but wasn't being true to myself...realizing I wasn't exactly a fem I started to identify myself as an ag fem...' played that role for a while and quickly came to the conclusion that i wasn't that (ag/fem) I began to learn about the stud subculture and found that everything in my personality was that of a wonder my relationships in the pass weren't slowly, I began stripping away my fem ensemble and started to adorn myself with my stud armor and I can honestly say I am a proud soilder today.

The purpose of this blog is not to perpetuate the idea of labeling...LABELS ARE DATED!!! however, the significance of this blog is to encourage all to be themselves and own it..

Thankyou for reading by: Americanboimeko

Please leave experiences

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Renee

The very thought of her existence...

She shone upon my heart like the sun to my earth...

The air circled my being and gave me oxygen.,...

I exhaled and stood up and seen my light...lifted my palms to the sky

for i have found my God..She indeed was the very thought of my existence...

My Love...My Life..My future wife...

My Renee

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

OMG!!!!!!She has kidsSSSS

Dating someone with kids when you don't have any, can be a beautiful experience or a nightmare...
So if you're in a relationship with someone who has kids and feel as if your under pressure to become part of the family or perhaps your partner never has time for you...what can you do?

If you love that person then you will accept the fact that their time revolves around their children. But that doesn't mean that you don't have feelings. Expect to come in second place most of the time and expect to feel as if you're being ignored. Raising children is an experience and one that you are now apart of. If your feeling overwhelmed perhaps it might be a good idea to express your concerns with your partner. Rather than pretending that you're OK with everything, speak up and tell her/him how you feel. When you do express your feelings, try not to make your partner feel as if her/him having kids is ruining the relationship. But, rather offer suggestions on how she/he can give you more attention..and be REASONABLE..PATIENT and FLEXIBLE.

On the other hand, those with children in a relationship, here's a few suggestions, try not to impose your responsibilities as a parent on to your partner, because this may push them away, if you two are married, then parenting should be equally shared, if not don't expect your partner to play mommy/daddy. Make time for your partner..there's 24hrs in one day..try to at least take out one of those hours for your partner..And lastly plan your evening..As a mother of three, I find that having a schedule for my kids and putting them to bed at a descent hour, allows me to spend time doing personal things.
So make sure you put the kids to bed on time or hire a babysitter, so that you can have a well arranged evening with your partner...And in time you both will reap the rewards of all your hard work...


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Domestic Violence in the LGBT Community

Studs abusing femes
Lately i've been hearing about studs abusing their femmes...and I am completely and utterly appalled to learn
That this is an issue in our community...but it just goes to show how we're no different from anybody else and
that we all go through some of the same problems that other ppl who are straight go through...

Why is this happening?
The main problem is that sometimes we (studs) try too hard to conform to the heterosexual definition of
what masculinity is and as a result go overboard in being the dominiate figure in relationships....another
reason some studs abuse their femmes is because of insecurity and jealousy...not feeling sure of themselves
and believing that their femme will eventually leave them for another stud...they resort to violence to keep them.

In other cases, some studs just enjoy the power they gain from hitting their
girlfriends and other studs who abuse their girlfirends may have psychological issues...on the otherhand a
femme who abuses her stud girlfriend is no different..its still domestic violence...
Domestic violence is wrong in any kind of relationship.

What can we do to combat this growing problem?

Well if you know of anyone in a abusive relationship...encourage them to get an advocate of ending domestic violence.Talk about it...speak up....if everyone speaks against it..this will discourage abusers and encourage victims to seek help..


800-621-HOPE (4673)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Soft Stud vs Hard Stud

Im sure We've all heard this discussion a million times...who are femmes more interested in..hard studs or

soft studs...and the conclusion i've come to is what difference does it makes...I'm writing this blog because

I seen a vid on youtube just the other day of a hard stud bashing soft studs....THATS WACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reason why is that we all fall under one umbrella and our community is outnumberd by the rest of the "regular word"

How dear any of us put any one down for being  courageous enough to be who they are...its should be considere BLASPHEMY!!!!!!

Im tired of hearing this subject b/c its dated...lets move on..2011 is in a couple of weeks...LETS VOW TO BE A FAMILY

Ill quote studology101.."all we got is us"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Stud Love

Why is it hard for my Stud to open up to me?

A question thats often asked by many how do you get your stud to open up...well theres

no easy answer..because everybody is different...but one suggestion that i've always found to be

enduring in most cases is patient with your stud muffin.,..alot of times studs were

hurt before and as a result vowed to never play the fool again...not wanting to

appear vulnerable..many studs refuse to wear their heart on their sleeves and will not open

up....but then again can you blame us...

So what can you do ladies....through personal experience i can confidently say that reassurance is

very important and then of course PATIENCE...remind her that you love her and that you're  not

that other person that hurt her... on the otherhand, nagging...complaining..clinging and pressuring

will only push your stud into the arms of another...If patience has run thin..don't run for the door

unless you feel staying isn't worth it...if staying is worth it...the rewards and benefits you will reap

are insurmountable because theres nothing like stud love...